Consume Protein Powder

Why And How To Consume Protein Powder?


Many of you ask us about protein powder. Supplements based on protein powders, used in particular to make high-protein shakes, are increasingly used and cause a lot of talk, especially among athletes.

So we decided to offer this article as a guide to learn all about protein powder. What is protein powder? When should these proteins be consumed? How and why to consume it? Who can consume protein powder? Are there any side effects from consuming protein shakes? These are all questions we answer in this article. Without further ado, discover all the answers to your questions!

Protein powder, what is it?

Stop misconceptions about protein powder! It is not a doping substance at all. For bodybuilders or more generally bodybuilding enthusiasts, it is not a miracle product either, but rather a supplement to their diet necessary to achieve their goals.

This is because protein powder is just one form of protein found in most natural foods such as meats, eggs, dairy, vegetables, fish, or other animal sources. but also plants .

In other words, your diet is therefore the first source of protein. Protein can play a variety of roles in your body: It helps build muscle, aids weight loss when it’s a big part of meals, and helps you recover better. Most of the time, proteins are used to promote muscle mass gain. Thus, this type of supplement is one of the most used dietary supplements for bodybuilding. .

Protein powder: an important dietary supplement

It should be noted that a conventional diet may be sufficient to provide enough protein. However, for people who practice intense physical activity such as weight lifting, gaining muscle mass or simply preserving it requires a protein supplement. This is when the interest of consuming protein powder appears.

Indeed, the majority of protein powders like whey come from whey. The extract of the latter (without water, fat or sugar) is a complete protein. It is very rich in essential amino acids, but low in fat and lactose.

Easy to digest by the body, protein powder is taken as a dietary supplement. Much appreciated for their anti-catabolic effects, this form of protein has the primary function of preserving muscle mass. But it cannot perform this role without a well-balanced diet.

Why take protein powder?

Then you are probably asking yourself the following question: “why should I take protein powder if it is already found in the daily diet?” “. Here are some answers.

Consume protein powder to vary its sources

A package of turkey ham is equivalent to a shaker of protein. Here we are talking about the amount of protein. You have to admit that it’s the same for your body. In other words, what matters to your body is not the source of protein, but the dose that must be sufficient during the day. Consuming protein powder allows you to vary your different sources. What’s more, it is possible to consume protein powder based on milk, egg or vegetable origin, with various tastes.

Take protein powder for convenience

According to scientific research, a so-called “normal” person should consume approximately 1.5 to 2 g of protein per kg of your body weight.

As you will have understood, although the protein shaker and the turkey are both sources of protein, as an athlete, it is quite tempting to consume protein shakers as a snack. Indeed, it is not always easy to eat turkey breast or fried eggs at your workplace, or at 4 p.m., for a snack. And precisely, this is another reason why it is recommended to consume protein powder: Because it is very practical and it is possible to consume it everywhere.

Consuming protein powder because it is cheaper

Still talking about this practical side, it is enough to compare to understand that powdered proteins are much cheaper than solid food. Do the math: for 5 kg of chicken (i.e. 1 kg of protein), you will need to take out of your pocket around 50 euros, while for 1 kg of protein in powder form, it will only cost you 25 euros.

Especially since for an athlete or for a person who performs intense physical activity, protein intake must be done at a regular frequency to avoid lack or even deficiency of protein.

If you are vegetarian or vegan, you deprive yourself of many sources of animal protein such as meat, fish, dairy products… However, it is often difficult or monotonous to vary your diet. This is the advantage of the shaker, as it can be used as a supplement to compensate for insufficient protein in your body. Indeed, there are protein powders made from chickpeas, peas, hemp or even soy.

However, it seems important to us to emphasize that protein powder will never replace food, because the latter provides you with other essential nutrients such as vitamins or fiber, in addition to protein. A word of advice: If you still have the possibility, opt for solid food!

When should you take protein powder?

It is advisable to take the protein powder at several times of the day. For example, immediately after intensive physical exertion. Thus, you can consume them after each bodybuilding session. Remember: proteins have the role of allowing better muscle recovery.

For maximum effectiveness, we recommend that you take your shake within the first hour after your workout. For what ? Simply because, according to the scientific explanation, during intense physical exertion, the body stops assimilating proteins. While after training, during your rest, it begins to look for proteins to assimilate. This is what is called “the protein window” or even “the anabolic window”. And precisely, this is an opportunity to give your body what it needs.