
Implantable Hearing Solutions for Children: A Parent’s Guide

52 ViewsDiscovering that your child has hearing loss can be quite a difficult experience for any parent. However, with developments in medical technology, implantable hearing solutions are now available, with promising results for children with severe to profound hearing loss….

Why you Should Promote Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace

73 ViewsWorkplace health, productivity, and well-being are not for the sake of trend or novelty but a core business purpose driving recent advanced practices in this management area. It is not a tired matter to point out that a staff…

Understanding Tylenol Dosage: A Comprehensive Guide to Safe and Effective Use

89 ViewsTylenol, also known by its generic name acetaminophen, is one of the most widely used over-the-counter pain relievers and fever reducers in the world. Its popularity stems from its effectiveness and relatively low risk of side effects when used…

Why Strategic Planning Is Essential In Healthcare

92 ViewsHealthcare is sometimes too confusing and complex to comprehend. It’s always evolving due to government mandates or technological advancements. Planning the success of your healthcare organization is becoming essential. A solid strategic plan is crucial for all business levels,…

The Rising Trend of Mental Health Apps: Are They Effective?

123 ViewsIn recent years, there has been a significant rise in the availability and popularity of mental health apps. These smartphone applications aim to provide support, guidance, and resources for individuals seeking to improve their mental well-being. While the convenience…

Evan Bass Men’s Clinic Discusses the Changing Reading Habits

470 ViewsIn this digital age, the practice of reading has endured as a timeless pursuit says Evan Bass Men’s Clinic. This clinic dedicated to a holistic improvement in the health of the men folk, emphasizes that reading enriches the mind…

WHO demonstration platforms for primary health care (PHC) – an innovative strategy for more successful PHC transformation

118 ViewsIn 2022, WHO/Europe launched 2 PHC demonstration platform projects – 1 in Kazakhstan and 1 in Sweden. The Kazakhstan platform shows the transformation from a biomedical model to a holistic, multidisciplinary, team-centred model, in which mental health care and…